Molly’s Game

Molly's Game

Molly's Game

Molly’s Game is an interesting based on a true story biopic about Molly Bloom, former olympic hopeful skier and gambling ring queen. Starring Jessica Chastain, Idris Elba, and Kevin Costner, this stranger than fiction story is sure to entertain and keep you guessing all the way until its final act..

Molly Bloom is a former Olympic hopeful skier who was injured in an accident during qualifiers. As she went through rehab, she decided that she would go to law school instead of pursuing skiing further. However, she decides to move to Los Angeles for a gap year and becomes a bottle service waitress at a club where she meets Dean. Dean runs an underground gambling ring and Molly is hired to become his manager for the ring and his front business. Soon Molly outgrows Dean and begins hosting games on her own, earning thousands of dollars a day. As her reputation grows, so too does the danger of her operations as they begin to take a toll on her sanity and health. Molly soon realizes that there are bigger players in the game than her and if she’s not careful, she’ll pay with her life.

Aaron Sorkin made his directorial debut with the impeccable Molly’s Game after years of handing over his award winning scripts to other talented directors. This movie earned a high score from me and I meant to do a full write up months ago, but other more recent movies got in the way. I’m glad I finally got a chance to write about Molly’s Game because it is a fascinating true story and it is a very entertaining movie.

You can watch Molly’s Game on Amazon Prime ($).

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